June 27th, 2011

Same Old Problems Plague Filipino Seafarers

Unpaid benefits, employment problems and the ongoing surge of piracy are the continuing concerns for the Filipinos seafarers as they voice it out during the first celebration of the Filipino Seafarers’ Day in Manila.

“Aside form the psychological torture that they experience, their lives are also exposed to more dangers and risks as there were reports that pirates now slay their hostages as the ship-owners continue to decline giving ransom for the and the crew,” said the International Seafarers’ Action Centre (ISAC)

ISAC also added that it is currently busy “handling cases of seafarer that had been duped by their employers about their salaries, the non-payment of benefits for sickness and disability, and many other issues which concerns the health, safety, rights, and welfare of the seamen.”

However, the flawed justice system in the Philippines and the inadequate international laws continue to deter action on the cases their handling.

“The litigation process is difficult, intricate, and not to mention excruciating. Corruption, power play and the deemed inadequacy of the local and international laws play the crucial role in the litigation and execution processes,” said the group.