March 21st, 2017

Ph prepares for EMSA audit

The Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) is busy preparing for the upcoming EMSA audit set this March.

 Its STCW Office, headed by Ely Diaz has been at the forefront of the preparations making sure the Maritime Higher Education Institutions (MHEIs) and the Maritime Training Institutions (MTI) are ready for the audit.

Diaz, Crossworld's Chairman Emiritus, has already instructed maritime schools to proper documents and curriculums for the cadets. He also told them to gather the papers related to their schools in case it will be needed in the audit.

“This is do or die… I will not allow them to put simply whatever they like. We went through all the documents one by one, all attachments,” said Diaz.

“Your success or failure is the success or failure of the Maritime Industry Authority. Over and above that, the success or failure of the whole Philippines. There’s no second Chance,” emphasized Diaz.

